Monday, 14 March 2011

World Sport!

Hi! Welcome to my new blog! It is all about the FUNNIEST sport ever- The Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake 

-  What is the sport?
It is a sport in which many people chase an almost circle of Double Gloucester cheese down Cooper's hill, which is VERY steep! It's almost impossible to stay on your feet for it.

 -  How is it played?
The Battle cry 

  • One to be ready

  • Two to be steady

  • Three to prepare

  • (The cheese is released at the word ‘three’)

  • And Four to be off. 

  • The person to catch the cheese is the winner, and if no one catches it, the first to the bottom of the hill wins!
     -  Where is it played?
    On Cooper's hill, in the British Isles.

     -  When did it first appear?  What is the history of the sport?
    It first appeared over 200 years ago, and is played in a large competition once a year. Also, many people that live there play it a lot, no matter how dangerous.
     -  Why are you interested in it?  Why do you think other people should be as well?
    I think that it is a funny sport to begin with, racing down a hill- but the cheese is what made me decide to write about it. Though I wouldn't try it, it is funny to watch.

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