Monday, 4 April 2011

Sport Presentation Reflection

This is my presentation on a sport called The Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake (for short, I am going to call it TCHCRW).

I found that finding information was harder than I thought. Most of the information I found wasn't worth reading. Many people know about this sport, and like to add their opinion to the internet. I overcame this by using more reliable websites like Wikipedia to help find information. Also, I got nervous when I was presenting. I wouldn't be surprised if I talked a mile a minute. I over came this by not looking people in the eye. This makes me less scared, and I feel as if not as many people are watching.

I really liked Eric's presentation because he remembered a lot of facts on his sport, and he didn't just depend on the video

If I could do this presentation again, I would add more pictures and information of winners of this race.

I most enjoyed finding videos of TCHCRW race, and watching people make themselves fools.